Time for Nature and Natural Resource Management

On the second of March, 2024, dr Małgorzata Jenerowicz-Sanikowska has participated in 2nd International Conference on Environment – Time for Nature and Natural Resource Management
Ile żaglówek pływa na Mazurach i dlaczego to jest takie ważne?
„Na Mazury, Mazury, Mazury, Popływamy tą łajbą z tektury, Na Mazury, gdzie wiatr zimny wieje, Gdzie są ryby i grzyby, i knieje…” Ten refren znanej ballady żeglarskiej „Na Mazury” (Spinakerów) idealnie oddaje ducha Mazur. Kraina Wielkich Jezior Mazurskich to nie tylko przepiękne jeziora, ale i mnóstwo atrakcji przyrodniczych i kulturowych. To miejsce przyciąga nie tylko fanów…
EOTiST Webinar 2

The EOTiST Project is presenting, in the framework of its Virtual Training component, a set of webinars to complement the virtual courses on Remote Sensing, Ecosystem Research, Modelling and Computer Sciences that are being developed within the project.
Project progress meeting – December, 2023

The last progress meeting of EOTiST project in 2023 year, was organized in the headquarters of CBK PAN. On the first day, we have reviewed the progress within the work packages, Key Performance Indicators, deliverables status and the milestones. In the afternoon we participated in Workshop V, which contained: presentation of Anthony Lehmann: Ecological Infrastructures…
Teledetekcja i GIS w zarządzaniu obszarami chronionymi

Seminarium pt. „Teledetekcja i GIS w zarządzaniu obszarami chronionymi” zorganizowane zostało we współpracy Kampinoskiego Parku Narodowego oraz Centrum Badań Kosmicznych PAN. Seminarium odbyło się w ramach szkoły zimowej projektu EOTiST, 11 stycznia 2024 roku w siedzibie Dyrekcji Kampinoskiego PN w Izabelinie. Uczestniczy można było osobiście, w siedzibie Parku lub online. W wydarzeniu wzięło udział ponad…
EOTiST at Seminar of Polish Academy of Sciences

On December 19th, 2023, dr Małgorzata Jenerowicz will give a talk about mapping of Ecosystem Functional Types during the seminar organized by Polish Academy of Sciences. Save the date!
Scientific seminar in CBK PAN will host Antonello Provenzale

We are happy to invite you to participate in open Scientific Seminar of CBK PAN, this Thursday (December 14th, 2023). We will have honour to guest Antonello Provenzale (Director of Instituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse, CNR, Italy).
New scientific paper has been published as the results of EOTiST project

Ruciński, M.; Foks-Ryznar, A.; Pesquer Mayos, L. et al. The Multi-Temporal Relationship Between Sentinel-1 SAR Features and Sentinel-2 NDVI for Different Land Use / Land Cover Classes in Central Africa. IGARSS 2023 – 2023 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium.
Online progress meeting – November, 2023

On November 3, 2023 we have met (online) to summarize recent months and plan the work for the next ones. During the meeting, we have discussed: the upcoming deliverables new scientific papers published within EOTiST project scope details of the upcoming project meeting in Warsaw in December 2023 the content for the workshops.
EOTiST at Arctic Circle Assembly

Edyta Woźniak (PI of EOTiST project from CBK PAN) and Antonello Provenzale (CNR) participated in Arctic Circle 2023 in Reykjavík, Iceland, October 19-21, 2023.
EOTiST at EuroGEO Workshop 2023

During EuroGEO week EOTiST partners participated in various Action Groups in the role of chairs, panellists and presenters. Edyta Woźniak from CBK PAN has presented: the case of Kampinos National Park as an example of interface between Geodiversity, Ecosystems and Biodiversity. The presentation is available in PDF and in the form of video recording. e-poster:…
Researchers’ Night in Thessaloniki

At the European Researchers’ Night in Thessaloniki (Greece) on September 29, 2023, the EOTiST H2020 project – Earth Observation Training in Science and Technology – was in the spotlight.
Czym są Critical Zones?
Pojęcie Critical Zones staje się coraz bardziej istotne w naukach o środowisku i badaniach systemów ziemskich. Obszary te definiuje się jako zewnętrzną warstwę Ziemi, gdzie skały, gleba, woda, powietrze i organizmy żywe oddziałują na siebie, kształtując środowisko, w którym żyjemy. Są to cienkie warstwy powierzchni Ziemi, gdzie zachodzą skomplikowane interakcje między atmosferą, hydrosferą, biosferą i…
Secondment from CBK PAN to CERTH

In September 2023, Szymon Sala from CBK PAN was seconded to CERTH for 2 weeks. During this time, he had opportunity to participate in field campaigns and data analyses processes.

In the following days, EOTiST will be present at Ecoserv 2023 conference in Poznań (Poland). Dr Edyta Woźniak will present there some of the EOTiST project results. Save the date! Useful link: conference website conference program book of abstracts
EOTiST at SPIE Sensors + Imaging

In the first days of September (3-6) 2023, results of EOTiST project have been presented in Amsterdam (Netherlands), during SPIE Sensors + Imaging conference.
EOTiST on TOK FM radio

Our project Coordinator, dr Edyta Woźniak was a guest in Polish radio – TOK FM. She was invited by Jan Stradowski to the program „Człowiek 2.0” (ang. „Human being 2.0”) and was talking about ecosystem sercives and remote sensing. The full talk you can find as a podcast at
The third visit of researchers from CBK PAN in CNR

In August, dr Edyta Woźniak and Michał Krupiński spent two weeks with the scientists from Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources (IGG) of National Research Council of Italy (CNR) in Italy.

Dr Anna Foks-Ryznar (CBK PAN) will participate in IGARSS 2033, in few days. Save the date to see the presentations:
New scientific paper has been published as the results of EOTiST project

Milczarek, M.; Aleksandrowicz, S.; Kita, A.; Chadoulis, R.-T.; Manakos, I.; Woźniak, E. Object- Versus Pixel-Based Unsupervised Fire Burn Scar Mapping under Different Biogeographical Conditions in Europe. Land 2023, 12, 1087.
Secondment from CBK PAN to CREAF

„My visit at CREAF was carried out as part of the mentoring plan within the EOTiST H2020 project. The stay was short but very intensive…”
Czy potrafimy przewidywać pożary?
Pożary a zmiany klimatu Pożary mają znaczny wpływ na środowisko, ekonomię oraz społeczeństwo. Oprócz natychmiastowych strat w życiu i mieniu, wpływają na bioróżnorodność, właściwości gleby, strukturę lasów, jakość powietrza i zdrowie ludzi. Szacuje się, że pożary uwalniają rocznie około 2 gigatony węgla do atmosfery[i], co znacznie przyczynia się do ogólnej wielkości emisji gazów cieplarnianych i wzmocnienia…
Progress meeting in Warsaw – May, 2023

In the second half of May, we had a pleasure to host the second face to face project EOTiST project meeting. We have met in Warsaw, for four days: May 16-18, 2023. The first day was dedicated to the review of Work Packages and Key Performance Indicators. On the second day (17.05.2023), we participated in…
Czy chcesz z nami współpracować?

Jeżeli: interesuje Cię tematyka usług ekosystemowych interesuje Cię tematyka teledetekcji chcesz wykorzystywać zdjęcia satelitarne Zapraszamy Cię do kontaktu i wypełnienia ankiety dotyczącej możliwości wykorzystania teledetekcji w badaniach usług ekosystemowych – link.
Online progress meeting – April, 2023

On April 11, 2023 we have met (online) to summarize the last month and plan the work for the next few months. During the meeting, we have discussed about: new scientific papers published within EOTiST project scope the upcoming deliverables details about project meeting in May, which will take place in Warsaw the content for…
New scientific paper has been published as the results of EOTiST project

Bohaienko, V.; Diele, F.; Marangi, C.; Tamborrino, C.; Aleksandrowicz, S.; Woźniak, E. A Novel Fractional-Order RothC Model. Mathematics 2023, 11, 1677.
New scientific paper has been published as the results of EOTiST project

Ruciński, M.; Woźniak, E.; Kulczyk, S.; Derek, M. Small Recreational Boat Detection Using Sentinel-1 Data for the Monitoring of Recreational Ecosystem Services. Remote Sens. 2023, 15, 1807.
Online progress meeting – March, 2023

On March 3, 2023 we have met (online) to summarize the last month and plan the work for the next few months.
EOTiST Webinar

The EOTiST Project is presenting, in the framework of its Virtual Training component, a set of webinars to complement the virtual courses on Remote Sensing, Ecosystem Research, Modelling and Computer Sciences that are being developed within the project. The EOTIST Webinar – Massive processing of geospatial data is the first of the three webinars that…
Online progress meeting – January, 2023

On January 27th, 2023 we have met (online) to summarize the last month and plan the work for the next few months. During the meeting, we have discussed about: EOTiST Webinar 1, which will take place February 2nd, 2023 (14:00-16:00 CET) progress of mentoring programs and scientific papers preparations upcoming deliverables preparation planning of agenda…
Mokradła – cisi bohaterowie natury
Krajobrazy terenów takich jak bagna czy torfowiska, które wspólnie można zaliczyć do obszarów silnie uwodnionych (mokradeł), to niezwykły świat, gdzie podłoże zachowuje się trochę jak gąbka, kapsuła czasu i ogromny magazyn. Często tajemnicze i niedostępne ekosystemy są jednocześnie nie zawsze docenianymi bohaterami naszej planety. Nalezą one do najbardziej produktywnych siedlisk na Ziemi, odgrywają kluczową w…
EOTiST at ACZON Workshop 2023

Dr Edyta Woźniak (Coordinator of EOTiST project) participated in January 2023 in ACZON workshop 'Towards and Arctic Critical Zone Observation Network’.
Christmas gift 2022

Dear project Followers, we wish You a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We have also prepared for you a little gift 🙂 Download the colour book, print it and enjoy! If you want to share with us your version of colourful Warsaw – publish it on social media using the hashtag #EOTiST so we…
Online progress meeting – December, 2022

On December 16th, 2022 we have met online to summarize the last month and plan the work for the next few months. One of the most important issues was the extension of project duration. The grant agreement amendment has been signed by CBK PAN and European Commission. Moreover, during the project meeting of all consortium…
EOTiST at EuroGEO Workshop 2022

The workshop takes place in Athens (Greece) between 7th and 9th of December, 2022. On the first day, our project coordinator will present the EOTiST project during the meeting of Ecosystems and Biodiversity Action Group.
EOTiST project at Polish research conference

During XXV Polish Remote Sensing Conference, results of EOTiST project mentoring programs will be presented.
Węgiel organiczny w glebie – dlaczego jest ważny zarówno dla rolnika jak i klimatologa?
Po co badać zawartość węgla w glebie? Węgiel organiczny w glebie odgrywa istotną rolę zarówno w rolnictwie jak i utrzymaniu zdrowych ekosystemów naturalnych. Jego zawartość wpływa pozytywnie na parametry gleby, takie jak jej struktura, zdolność do zatrzymywania wody, oraz dostępność składników odżywczych dla roślin. W obliczu globalnych zmian klimatycznych i intensyfikacji rolnictwa, zrozumienie roli węgla…
EOTiST at GIS Day 2022

Project Coordinator, dr Edyta Woźniak gave a talk about Earth Observations of Ecosystem Service, during GIS Day 2022, in Poznań, on November, 16th.
Progress meeting in Warsaw – November, 2022

Finally, we managed to meet face to face within the whole project consortium. Between 7th and 10th of November, all we all gathered in the headquarters of Centrum Badań Kosmicznych PAN in Warsaw (Poland).
Progress meeting – October, 2022

On October 14th, we had our monthly progress meeting online. We discussed and adjusted inter alia the agenda for Info Days, mentoring program course and project meeting in Warsaw.
The second visit of researchers from CBK PAN in CNR
Between 26th September and 8th October dr Edyta Woźniak and dr Sebastian Aleksandrowicz visited department of CNR in Bari (previously, they visited the headquarters of CNR in Pisa, Italy).
Progress meeting – September, 2022

On September 13, the whole consortium participated in the online progress meeting organized by CBK PAN.
We have reached 200 Followers on Twitter

At the beginning of September 2022, our twitter account (@EOTiST_H2020) has reached 200 Followers. On our twitter account you can find not only the news related to the EOTiST project, but also many important information about ecosystems, ecosystem services, Earth Observations, etc.
Researchers from CBK PAN visit CNR
In July, dr Edyta Woźniak and Michał Krupiński spent two weeks with scientists from CNR. They visited the main headquarters in Pisa getting familiar with laboratories of CNR. Most of the visit was focused on field campaigns to learn the practical aspects of CO2 emissions measurements in mountain ecosystems.
New scientific paper has been published as the results of EOTiST project

Diele, F., Luiso, I., Marangi, C. et al. Evaluating the impact of increasing temperatures on changes in Soil Organic Carbon stocks: sensitivity analysis and non-standard discrete approximation. Comput Geosci (2022).
EOTiST Virtual Training Platform
CREAF Team has lunched the online platform with virtual trainings within EOTiST platform. All three excellence centers (CREAF, CNR and CERTH) worked together to provide training materials. At the beginning the online courses are available internally for consortium partners. In the next step, they will be open and shared with the end-users of EOTiST project…
EOTiST project will participate in IALE 2022

Next week, EOTiST project will participate in IALE 2022 European Landscape Ecology Congress. It will be a 5 days online conference – 11-15.07.2022 and we will have 5 presentations.
Researchers from CBK PAN visit CREAF
In June 2022, Ewa Gromny and Marek Ruciński from CBK PAN visited premises of CREAF. It was the first visit in the frame of the mentoring plan which aim is to exchange the knowledge and experience between employees of both institutes with an emphasis on training young researchers from CBK PAN. Ewa Gromny is a…
Show Your Stripes Day

EOTiST project participated in worldwide action by preparation of figure with „warming stripes”. It is a visual presentation of temperature changes in countries of our consortium members.
Results of EOTiST projects were presented on EGU 2022 conference
During EGU 2022 General Assembly (22-27/05/2022 in Vienna) virtual presentation has been given by Carmela Marangi (CNR).
Project overview
EOTiST aims to enhance the Science and Technology capacity of the Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences (CBK PAN) and to achieve excellence in research of EO products’ assimilation in the ecosystem assessment and monitoring by starting close collaboration with 3 European centres of excellence: CERTH, CREAF, CNR. More details you can find in Project section.
Tweets by EOTiST_H2020