CERTH is one of the largest research centers in Greece. It was founded in 2000 and is located in Thessaloniki. CERTH participates in this twinning project through the Information Technologies Institute (ITI). CERTH/ITI is one of the leading Greek institutions in the field of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) with long experience in numerous European and national R&D projects. Additionally, CERTH/ITI has a proven experience related to the utilization of EO data/products for the generation of products relying on its own developed modules and services. It has been involved in numerous related projects. Among others, the recently completed H2020 ‘ECOPOTENTIAL’ and the older FP7 Space ‘BIO_SOS’ ones; both providing valuable results to support ecosystem monitoring.
In addition, CERTH/ITI team participates in the myEcosystem showcase working group of the recently initiated H2020 ‘E-Shape’ project. EShape is the flagship project paving the way for EuroGEO (GEOSS). Furthermore, the team is expected to deal with artificial intelligence applications with Earth Observation data via its involvement in the H2020 ‘SnapEarth’ project. Moreover, it will develop ICT training modules for the technologies suggested at the ENI CBC MED ‘AQUACYCLE’ and ENI CBC BSB ‘PONTOS’ projects.
Finally, CERTH/ITI has a wide network within and beyond the European remote sensing society, employing in its working team, among others, the Chairman of the Special Interest Group on the Applications of Remote Sensing in Land Use Land Cover of the European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories (EARSeL) and Copernicus Academy member.

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