CNR is a public organization and it is the first Italian research institution for number of researchers, with a leading position in terms of spin-off and multidisciplinary research; its duty is to carry out, promote, spread, transfer and improve research activities in the main sectors of knowledge growth and of its applications for the scientific, technological, economic and social development of Italy. CNR is distributed all over Italy through a network of institutes aiming at promoting a wide diffusion of its competences throughout the national territory and at facilitating contacts and cooperation with local firms and organizations. More than 40% of CNR annual budget comes from external funds through contracts with private entities (companies, services, provision of services, agreements), with the European Union and with other international organisations.
The research group participating in the project represents two CNR institutes (Institute of Geoscience and Earth Resources and Institute of Applied Mathematics) which tackle some of this century’s key environmental issues as Climate Change, Natural Hazards, Pollution and Sustainability of the use of Natural Resources. Their mission is to gather knowledge and predict the behaviour of the Earth system and its resources, to support a sustainable future for the planet and humanity.

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